Saturday, March 26, 2011
Lets get this straight first, I am not a blog type of person. I don't keep a diary and I don't have the need to put my daily life activities on a blog. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I just never thought I would do one. I do, however, LOVE reading about other peoples daily lives and happenings. After reading my cousin Randi's blog about her pregnancy, I knew I always wanted to do a blog when I became pregnant. It was so fun to read about her feelings, her fears, her excitements, etc. I never thought I would be here today writing a blog about infertility. I am not writing this blog so people can say, "oh, I am so sorry for you." I am writing this blog because if it can help someone else out there who is experiencing infertility as well, then it is worth it. Luckily, I have a wonderful support system from first and foremost my husband, but my family, friends, and co-workers as well. Also, I have two co-workers who are also experiencing infertility and that is my basis for writing this blog. Without being able to talk to them, cheer for them, and simply lean on them, I would be lost. Here is my story: I am married to a wonderful man, Brian. Brian and I got married on July 26, 2008. We live in a house in Blaine with our cat and dog. Brian is going to be 32 in July and I just turned 27. I work as a RN and Brian has previously worked as an electrician. We both always knew we wanted to start a family and our "original" plan was to wait a year and then start trying. Then the economy happened. Brian got laid off from his electrician job in January of 2009 and has remained laid off. We decided at that time, we would hold off on starting a family until the job situation looked a little bit brighter. By December of 2009, we had just returned from a once in a lifetime trip to Australia. We decided that we would not "try" for a child, but we would not take precautions either. We knew we were financially stable enough to have a child, but thought it would be better if, before trying, there was a job lined up. I was secretly hoping I would just get pregnant and every month was bummed when it turned out to not happened. With that said, I was also not getting my period regularly, I just assumed that was due to being on birth control for so long and was not worried. July of 2010 arrived and Brian and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. Also great news, Brian got a job at Ultimate Electronics - that gave us the go ahead to now start TRYING for a baby! I was thrilled. Due to my periods being slightly irregular, and from talking to a co-worker, I decided to buy ovulation strips that would help me pinpoint my ovulation to make it easier. The first month yield a positive ovulation strip, but no positive pregnancy test. To spare details, since using the ovulation test, I realized that although I got my period, I was not ovulation every month. Actually, it was only twice out of five months that I was recording. I had my yearly visit in November and decided to talk with my NP. Now, a lot of people were saying "well, you haven't even been trying that long." I did realize that, however, I also knew that without ovulation there was no chance of baby. I had a HSG (hystosalpingogram) a fancy test that is done by a radiologist and a doctor that shoots dye in your uterus and fallopian tubes to see if they are open. Now, not being pregnant before, I was told to just take some advil and it would be "uncomfortable." Ummmm, they were wrong, this test hurt like hell!!!!! In the end, everything looked good. The next step was for me to go see a reproductive endocrineologist. Brian and I met with him in December 2010. Dr. Corfman is one of the best and at first thought I had polycystic ovarian syndrome which turned out not to be the case (they are not sure why I wasn't ovulating regularly). I do distinctly remember him saying he would not give me false hope and that "We'll get you pregnant." I am holding him to those words!!! Instead of going on and on in one blog, I will stop here and break it up. I have a little more history to go before I get to current, which is a third attempt at IUI (intrauterine insemination) tomorrow. Again, I am here to tell my story because someone out there is going through the same thing and if they can relate and this can give them some strength, than it is worth it.
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