I was really looking forward to my 12 week appointment this week mostly for reassurance. For one, (warning this may be a little TMI), but one day right before 10 weeks I was trying to put in one of my suppositories that broke and I bleed a little, but it was bright red blood. There was no clots or cramping, and although I knew that it was almost 99.9% related to the broken suppository, it scared the crap out of me. I did not call the clinic as I knew what they would say, but I did remain a little nervous. I did tell the NP at my appointment and she told me I probably just cut myself (just what I thought). The good news is I only have to do all the shots, pills and suppositories until 1/25!!!!!!!
My appointment went well. The NP said my uterus is just starting to come into the abdominal cavity and she could feel the top of it. The best part was hearing the little heartbeat on the doppler. Such a great sound! I feel like I can take a big deep sigh of relief, I have seen the heartbeat twice and heard the lovely sound. I feel like I can really start to enjoy being pregnant and not constantly worried. It will start to feel more real when I can start to see changes in my belly.
I stole this from someone's blog page, but I thought it looked fun:
12 weeks
Category baby business
How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Down a pound from the 8 week appt
Maternity clothes? Nope. Some jeans require a hairbinder, but that was due to all the hormones and have been using it for some time now.
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: I never sleep well, but I am certainly less tired that I have been.
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat!!!!!!
Movement: None
Food cravings: Nothing super strong, but green apples lately.
Gender: I think it is a girl and most people have said they do too, but I will honestly be happy with either gender, they are both fun!
Labor Signs: Thank God no