Lets start by first saying, I never thought I would go THAT early! I thought I would either be a few days early (perhaps on our anniversary 7/26) or a week late. With that being said, I was quite shocked when I had her at exactly 37 weeks!
My labor and delivery was a very good experience. I can't say I have any complaints. I am not sure how long I was technically in labor as I was in very early labor for quite some time, but it was a lot quicker than I had anticipated. Labor for me started around 2:00am on Wednesday, July 11th. I woke up at 2am with what felt the period pains. I really didn't think much of it at the time. It was just kind of annoying. I was assuming my uterus was just getting too big and it was stretching to the max. It wasn't until I went to the bathroom that I thought something more may be going on. I have done a lot of reading during the pregnancy and I knew that some women get what is called a "bloody show" when they are in labor. What a "bloody show" is just some pink/blood-tinged discharge that is produced because the cervix is dilating. When I went to the bathroom early that morning, I did notice that the "bloody show" was present. I also had noticed a few days prior that I may have been losing my mucus plug, but that was not a red flag as the mucus plug an come out and be out for weeks before someone goes into labor.
Brian had to head to work that morning and while he was getting ready I told him what was going on. He told me that I should call the doctor and call my mom and just let her know what was going on. The doctor did not open until 8:30am so I just hung out until then. While I was waiting, I noticed that my cramps were coming about 5-7minutes apart, but they were not that bad. I called the doctor that morning and the nurse told me that early labor can go on for days and to wait as long as I could. I called my mom after the doctor and told her that I may be going into early labor and I wasn't sure. Of course she was very excited and headed right over. Around noon I decided to go into labor assessment at Maple Grove. I figured they would not keep me, but I wanted to be sure I was actually having contractions and not just cramps. When I arrived in labor assessment, they hooked me up to the monitor and sure enough, I was having contractions every 3-6 minutes. They checked me and I was only 1.5cm dilated. After about an hour, they told me to go walk around and if I had a change after about 1 hr, they would keep me. If not, I was going to be sent home. Of course, there was no change so they gave me some Vistaril (muscle relaxer) and sent me home with the orders to come back if my water breaks, or the contractions get more severe. I was able to go home and get some rest which I was not able to get since the cramps started at 2am.
Around 2am (seems like that is a trend) on Thursday, July 12th I woke again with worsening contractions. I downloaded a contraction timer to see how frequently they were coming. They were about 5-7 minutes apart. They were not frequent enough, but definitely more painful. Brian kept asking if we needed to go to the hospital and I kept telling him "not yet." By 4:30 Brian decided he was not going into work and I headed into the shower. By 5:00am we (more Brian) decided it was time to head in.There was no traffic on the way to the hospital which was nice as the contractions were rather painful at that point. I did tell Brian that if he went over the bumps on 610 I was going to "kill him."Brian had been pestering me for about a week to get my bag packed. I had told him it was WAY too early, but I did write a list of things I needed (good thing he was on my case!!!).
When we arrived at the hospital they got me all hooked up and checked me and low and behold I was still only 1.5cm. I was really frustrated because at this point I thought "there is no way I can go home, these hurt too bad!" The nurse Jen, was super nice and she got me more Vistaril and Morphine and told me to sleep for awhile. They were originally going to recheck me at 8:30am, but I actually had an appointment at the clinic down hall at 9:50 so they decided to let me sleep until 9:30 and then I could make it to my appointment on time. By this time the contractions hurt so bad I was shaking when they would come. It was music to my hears when Jen checked me and I was at 4cm. I knew I was in labor and I was staying. The other great news was I could get an epidural whenever I wanted!!!!!
Apparently 7/12/12 was a very popular day to have a baby. All of the labor and delivery rooms were full! They told me there were just in the process of moving someone out of a room and had to get it cleaned. Getting someone out can take awhile, but getting a room cleaned can be done pretty fast. They asked if I needed my epidural right now, it could be done in labor assessment, but would like to do it in the room. Thinking it was only going to take a half hour or so I told them I could wait. In the mean time, I had to send a text message to the work girls as they were throwing me a shower that evening :) I didn't get into my room for appx 2 hrs and at that point the pain was unbearable. I told Brian to go tell the nurse that I don't care if the room isn't ready, but I need the epidural now. The doctor came in and I couldn't even focus on her the pain was so bad. Luckily right after Brian talked to the nurse the room was ready and the epidural was ready to be given. As I have said in previous blogs, I was worried about the epidural because of my scoliosis, but the anesthesiologist didn't have a problem at all getting it in. It does sting a little, but the process is really quick and the drug is the most amazing thing! I highly recommend anyone to get an epidural if they are in labor, it makes the experience so much better!!! Once the epidural was in and I was set up in my room I let all the family and best friends know I was in labor (the pain was too bad before and I didn't want lots of people in the room).
Shortly after the epidural was in, the doctor came to check me and broke my water (around 12-1pm). I was 4-5cm at that time and hoped my labor would progress quickly with my water broken. Most of the family and friends had arrived at that time and everyone made guesses to time and weight of when this little girl would be born.

I was able to rest for awhile with the epidural and around shift change (3:00-3:30pm) a new nurse (Christine) came in and checked me. I was only 5cm at that point and my contractions had actually started to spread apart so they started some Pitocin on me. I was a little worried and even asked at what point do they start talking a c-section. I was fully prepared for a c-section, I just assumed with the scoliosis I was going to have one. The nurse increased the Pitocin over the next 45 minutes and then she rolled me to my right side to get the baby to come down. Shortly after she rolled me to the right side, I started to have a lot of pressure in my bottom. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably. Brian wanted to go get the nurse and I told him "no, they just checked me and I was only 5cm." After watching me shake for a little longer, Brian took matters into his own hands and got the nurse. Good thing he did because it was about 4:30-4:45pm and when she had checked me I was at 9cm. She told me if I could push 3 times she could get rid of the rest and I would be fully dilated. Everyone left the room but Brian and I pushed the 3 times. The nurse told me to stop and she left and came back with the delivery cart. I told her "aren't you being a little optimistic?" I have heard most first time moms push for 1-2hrs. She told me the baby was right there and Dr. Sarkenin was right out there at the desk. Although I had the epidural, the pressure you feel is very strong and painful. I wasn't all that aware with the pain and trying to push, but from what Brian said, the doctor pretty much ran into the room and started throwing stuff off the cart and rushed to get ready. I only had to push for 11-15 minutes and at 5:25pm my beautiful little girl was born. The pulled her out and laid her on my chest and I will never forget her opening her eyes and looking at me. I instantly cried and kissed her.
Paityn did not cry right away, but she was pink and taking shallow breaths. I send Brian to go take pictures and check on her while they delivered the placenta and stitched me up (I had a second degree tear). I kept asking why she wasn't crying and both Christine and Dr. Sarkinen kept telling me to stop being a nurse :) Paityn just needed a little supplemental oxygen and they sucked some bile out of her stomach. Once that was done, she was crying and perfect! Christine, Brian and Dr. Sarkinen were great coaches! Dr. Sarkinen actually was the one who sent me to see Dr. Corfman. I could not have asked for a better labor and delivery experience or a more perfect little girl!!!