I think about updating this blog all the time, but when it comes down to it, I tend to get lazy. I think why not go to bed early, or work on my Christmas cards/shopping, etc. I finally got all (well, almost all) of my Christmas cards done and have made a good dent in my holiday shopping. I have been doing a lot of online shopping this year, which I have never really done before. So far I have been pleased with what I have been getting. Hopefully there won't have to be too many returns, I have a feeling that could get confusing and time consuming, but all and all online shopping has been a good experience!
I was bummed this year that I couldn't make it to Brian's side of the family's Thanksgiving. I worked the night before Thanksgiving and the night of Thanksgiving. As sad as it is that I don't get to see everyone, I do like to make the double time :) I also missed their annual bread tradition too since I worked the weekend before Thanksgiving. I always really enjoy going to breads. What breads consists of is all the women from Brian's side of the family get together and make banana bread, cherry bread, cranberry bread etc. This has been a tradition from Brian's grandma and they have carried it on even since she has passed. It is such a fun time to drink some wine, catch up and just chat. I love getting together with all of those ladies, they are so fun. Luckily I will be able to make it to some of the Christmas festivities this year so I will get a chance to see everyone. Paityn did go with Brian to his family's Thanksgiving, but it was during her nap time and I told she was rather fussy. Brian was kind enough to take her over to my parent's house for Thanksgiving evening where I stopped by before work. I basically ate and ran, but it was great to get some good food and see my family, if just for a bit. We did get a good family pic minus my scrubs :)

We got a new Christmas tree this year (I am not even going to tell you how much we paid because it is ridiculous). Our old tree was coming apart and with the animals we don't do real trees. We ended up getting a pre-lit tree (thank goodness since lights take me forever) and it looks really nice. Paityn really enjoys looking at all the lights. I did snap a few pictures of her under the tree.

She is at such a fun age right now. The smiles and laughs just keep on coming! She also does a lot of talking. I think she must like to hear the sound of her voice because she talks a lot and she is LOUD! She talks to us, to the dog, to herself! She has also in the past week or so started to squeal. It is so funny because sometimes I think she even surprises herself with how loud it is. Just in the past week I have notice how much she is looking at things and trying to grab at things so much more. She is now becoming very interested in her toys (well, to eat that is). If I hold something out for her she will almost always try to grab it. A few weeks ago I know she could try and grab it, but she was just not that interested. Now she is grabbing for toys and if I set a toy down will follow it and try to grab it. I don't know what it is about that stupid Sophie giraffe but babies sure do love it! She has also done a lot more sitting up lately. She has always preferred to lay on her back in the gym and grab for toys that way. Now, she is doing a lot more sitting up in the bumpo, jumperoo, and exersaucer and she is content. In fact, she is doing so much sitting up we went through 3 different outfits today from poop explosions! She is getting better with tummy time even though she is not a fan. Most of the time she just rolls right out of it onto her back. She is constantly moving, but still hasn't rolled from back to front. Maybe no motivation. She will probably crawl and sit before she does that :)
She has been a big eater lately. We went from eating about 3 ounces ever 3 hours to getting 5 ounces ever 3 hours. She is still getting up once in the middle of the night anywhere from 12-4, but usually falls back to sleep after her bottle and gets up for the day around 6-6:30. She seems to be most content right away in the morning and around noon. We decided to add a little bit of oatmeal to her diet. The doctor said to add some around 5 months and she will be 5 months on the 12th. The verdict is still out where or not she likes it. We feed her about half a tablespoon (right now that is all she is interested in) right before bed around 7pm and then follow it with a bottle. Sometimes I feel like she is too tired to be interested and gets crabby, but I know it is supposed to help them sleep better if given at bedtime. I don't want to give it too early and have her feel full and her not want her bottle, because that is the most important source of food. We are just taking it slow and when she is interested in more, we will give her more. I don't think we will start to add other baby food until she is closer to 6 months as I know their digestive systems is not always ready for it before then. I am not going to lie, it is fun to feed and watch her eat! We did snap a few good pictures of her trying the oatmeal for the first time.