Oh my, I am so behind. I am surprised, I thought it would be 10 months before I got to this 9 month post. I can't believe my beautiful little baby (can I still call her that?) is now 9 months old. We had her 9 month appointment and we got away shot free! The nurse practitioner said she looks great. She weight a whooping 21.2lbs (90-95 percentile) and is 28 inches long (75-90 percentile). She is still able to wear some 12 month clothes, but since she has such a belly - she is mostly in 18 months clothes. Just for perspective, my friend's daughter is 18 months and weighs 23lbs! Paityn eats well, but it doesn't seem like she eats THAT much. I think she will lose a lot of it when she starts to crawl.
Still no crawling around the Hime household, but Paityn can now get on her hands and knees and rock. She has some some army crawling if she really wants something (TV remote, computer, phone, etc). She is able to scoot herself forward when she is sitting up. Again, she does it more when she wants something, but she can get around. She also turns herself in a circle while sitting. It is so cute! Those two upper teeth from the last post are fully in now. As most people say, she looks like a vampire (seems fitting since I have such a love for Twilight :) ) It looks like her upper middle teeth have come down some and her bottom incisors are close, but no imminent teeth about to pop up.

Paityn has also master the art of picking up small pieces of food. Okay, lets be realistic, puffs and yogurt bites. She has gotten really good at chewing and she loves her puffs. She has also done pretty well with cheerios. I have been trying to introduce some finger foods for her to try, but she has no interest. We have tried cooked carrots and sweet potato, both of which she loves pureed, but it must be a texture thing. She has tried to get some food off my plate and has done well with bread. She liked ham too. I have some steamed green beans I am going to try next. I keep telling her she can't have pureed foods forever!
Paityn has started to say "ma ma" and "mom." It is so cute. I know she doesn't know what it means, but it melts my heart to hear it!
We went outside today and it was AMAZING. Paityn, Zoe, and I took a long walk and enjoyed the sunshine. Tomorrow, my friend Maija, her girls, and Paityn and I, are going to go to the zoo. The weather is supposed to be beautiful so I am really looking forward to it!
We have taken the jogging stroller out once. I look forward to taking it out more, but the weather has been so crappy. It is hard, but was so fun to have her with me! She, of course, fell asleep! It is such a nice stroller!
......and she is done with the hair bow
Look at the difference!