Okay, I know I am a little behind. The more active she gets, the harder it is to blog (and maybe the lazier I get...who knows). Little Miss Paityn turned 8 months on March 12th. It is just so incredible to watch her grow. She learns so many new things everyday! Paityn loves to roll around on the ground. In fact, that is her mode of transportation. She rolls EVERYWHERE. Paityn rolls, pushes up on her hands, spins herself in a circle and then continues to roll. I can tell she sometimes get really frustrated when she can't get to something, but she really hasn't shown much effort to crawl. It seems she has trouble getting her knees up and then her hands in front. I can tell she can get a little frustrated when she wants to get from sitting to laying and vice versa. She hasn't quite figured out how to get from down to up and up to down. The times she has, it has been more of a face plant on accident. She is getting there though.
One of big milestones happened about 1.5-2 weeks ago. We stopped feeding Paityn at night (she finally seemed to be more awake wanting to play and than actually hungry) and since then she has started to sleep through the night. We were able to push back her bedtime about and hour and that seemed to help a lot. She is not consistent yet, but she sleeps through the night more nights than not. When she she doesn't sleep through the night it is usually because she has a stuffy nose and can't quite get herself back to sleep or she is just awake and would like to play. On those nights she is usually up for an average of an hour, but there is no feeding and just persistent reassurance and she goes back to sleep. I am not going to lie, it has been SO nice to have her sleeping through the night! I miss seeing her, but getting solid sleep is AMAZING. I still wake up often because my body is used to it, but it is getting better and pretty soon I hope to sleep as sound as she does. Her naps are still kind of all over the place, but she is happy when she is awake, so she must be getting plenty of sleep. She usually take a nap in the morning that is anywhere from 20 mins to about and hour and then a 1hr to 1hr 15 min nap in the afternoon.

Another big milestone we just discovered this week. The little lady is getting some more teeth. Just two days ago I noticed that her upper lateral incisors were just about to erupt. Today I notice the left incisor had broken through the gum and it looks like the right lateral incisor will break through any day. She is going to have a little off smile missing those upper front teeth, but you can start to see the outline of them so it may not be too long. You can also see that the bottom lateral incisors are close to the surface, but it could be awhile before they come through the gum.
Paityn has done pretty well with teething so far. She is a little fussy, which I can't blame her for and she chews on everything. She chews on her toys, fingers, etc. She always has to be chewing on something. Amazingly enough though there is not a ton of drool. A little tylenol goes a long way for her.
I have really enjoyed the nicer weather. I had been bugging Brian about wanted to get a jogging stroller off of Craigslist. I am hoping to run a 1/2 marathon at the end of August and would love to have her help me train (plus would give me more freedom - instead of having to wait for Brian to get home). Brian kept telling me I couldn't get one off craiglist because he was worried about the crazies. Well, last weekend I was working and when I came home I found a brand new jogging stroller waiting for me. It was not just any jogging stroller, but the granddaddy of jogging strollers - The b.o.b.! I have not actually jogged yet because it is a little cool, but we have taking several short walks and Paityn, I and Zoe love it!!!! I really look forward to bringing her to the park and beach soon too!
It is so true what people say about the favorite toy of kids to be the simple ones. Paityn LOVES those linking beads in the above picture - super simple. She also LOVES strings (like on a sweatshirt) and zippers. There has been several times I have watched in her crib reach over, find where her bumper is tied, untie and play with the strings. I am super excited because for Easter the "Easter bunny" got her a doll that has buttons, strings, zippers, buckles, etc. Lately she has been enjoying all that the diaper box has to offer :)
I just can't get over what a joy she is. I know she is just wrapped around our little finger. She is just a sweet, happy baby. She is just the light of our lives and I thank God for her! She is such a miracle to us and life without her would just not be complete!