Paityn has been on the go this month. She has gotten pretty good at army crawling. She can get to point A to point B without too much effort. What she has really gotten good at is the butt scoot. It is really something to see! Paityn has not learned how to get from sitting to laying so if she wanted to get around she had to learn to scoot. She scoots everywhere and she is quick too! She is a very determined child and if she is trying to get somewhere and there are objects in her way she just grabs and throws them! It is actually pretty hilarious! I think her most favorite things to do these days are get the puppy and kitty. If she sees them, she gets a huge smile on her face and instantly starts scooting towards them. They are both pretty good with her. The cat stays out of the ways most of the time. Paityn has gotten a handful of her a few times and she just meows and runs away. The dog tolerates her pretty well. Paityn is usually pretty rough and grabs her fur. She does not understand the word "gentle" yet. Zoe does get sick of her at times because Paityn is relentless, but she just goes upstairs.
I talked about going to the Zoo in the last blog and it was a blast. The weather couldn't have been any nicer and all of the kids seemed to really enjoy it. I think the best party was the baby farm animals. They actually let you get right in with the animals and touch them. Paityn seemed to really like it. She did pretty well considering she didn't get much of a morning nap. We were there for about 3.5hrs. Here are a few pics:

We have been enjoying what little beautiful weather we have had. Paityn seems to really enjoy being outside. We go outside as much as possible. A few weeks ago Brian came home with a present for the "little lady." Here I was thinking it was an outfit or something...nope, he got her a sandbox. Paityn seems to enjoy it. She is pretty fascinated with the texture. She does try to eat it every once in awhile, but it is not a constant battle.

I have so many cute summer outfits to get on her, but the weather has just not been cooperating. I have a ton of dresses, cute onsie outfits, and shorts. Here are few more pictures from the day when it was 90!

It is hard to tell in the above picture, but Paityn's front right tooth is coming in. It is quite i bit further down now, but still not all the way. Just yesterday I noticed her left front tooth looks like it will be breaking through within the next week or so. She has been eating more "people" food these days. I know some babies will eat everything in site, she is a bit more picky. She eats bananas, cheese, toast, loves green beans, pears, but she doesn't eat a ton of them. I have given her carrots, but she doesn't seem too interested. I am a little worried because I want her to start eating more adult food, but I guess it will just come with time. She has recently decided that she is not longer interested in eating hear baby food vegetables. She refuses to take them from a spoon. I don't know what it was, but she just downright refuses. I have resorted to getting these organic squeeze pouches (see pic).

One other fun thing that happened this month, and unfortunately I don't have a picture to go with it. Paityn finally got to meet her Great-Grandpa. My grandpa lives in Aberdeen, SD and is 86 years old. He is doing really well for his age, but the 6 hour trip to MN is a bit much. My grandpa came up to see my cousin's graduation from St. Cloud. He was really excited to meet her and it was really cute to see. It was fun for me too. I got to see my dad's brother's family that I haven't seen in many years. It was great for me to see them and fun that they all got the chance to see her. There are some pictures on my dad's phone I will have to get a hold of, they are precious.
Lastly, we had a little bit of difficult news this month. My dad found a mole that was suspicious and the biopsy came back as positive for melanoma. It was caught early, but the unknown was really scary. My dad at one point said "I just want to see Paityn go to kindergarten." Thinking of my dad not being here for both Paityn and I was so difficult and heartbreaking. He had surgery on May 15th. They were able to remove the mole and a large area of tissue on his ankle (he had to have some skin grafting). They also removed a lymph node. When my dad saw the oncologist he learned that the cancer was really aggressive and had he even waited a month longer the outcome could have been different, but the node was clear. At this point no additional treatment is needed. He will see an oncologist every 6 months for 5 years and a dermatologist every 6 months too. I can't tell you how relieved we all were to hear the news.
Here are a few more pictures I got of the 10 month "photo shoot."
Happy 10 months Paityn! Such a doll.