Thursday, December 29, 2011
9 weeks
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Jen (the nurse) warned me ahead of time that it is right on the cusp of seeing the heartbeat as I was 6 weeks, 4 days so if Dr. Corfman didn't see the heartbeat he wouldn't be concerned. Well, if we couldn't see the heartbeat of course I would worry....I can't help it, I am a worrier.
It was a transvaginal ultrasound like all the ultrasounds I have done for my procedure stuff, but this time it all looked different. There was a baby in there! Dr. Corfman was able to enlarge the screen and you could actually see the baby's heart beating. It was so surreal to see. He was able to measure the heart rate which was 128 beat per minute. The doctor said the baby is measuring right on track (which is actually less than an inch in size) and everything looks really good. Below is one of the ultrasound picture, it is a little blurry but you can see the baby (even though it actually looks like a blob).
The nurse said you can tell right away when he inserts the probe if things don't look good, but they both said everything looked perfect. Although I am not totally out of the woods until after the first trimester, once they are able to detect the fetal heartbeat, the miscarriage risk goes way down. Jen was so nice and gave me two super big hugs. How do you thank these people for giving you such a special gift? For supporting you and encouraging you the whole time? I told Dr. Corfman that we couldn't thank him enough and he said to talk to him when they are teenagers :) Even the receptionist were waiting to see how the ultrasound went. They asked for me to keep in touch and send pictures and of course I will do that.
I am still feeling pretty good. Just not really interested in food, but have been trying to eat healthy. My friend Maija just gave me a stack of books about pregnancy so I will be busy reading them (she is a great resource as she has 2 kids under 2.) I am now done with the infertility clinic and my next appt will be with the OB at 9 weeks. Although I am not positive, I am sure they wont' be doing another ultrasound until around 20 weeks, but I will find out more at my appointment. Brian and I are very excited!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
6 weeks
A lot of people have been asking how I am feeling. In the first week after finding out I was pregnant, I downloaded some pregnancy apps. They are fun to read, but I started to read the community forums. I would read what people would post they were feeling who were around a similar time as me. I started to analyze my symptoms and realize I had little none of what they were describing. I started to get anxious and drive myself crazy. I have since stopped reading the forums and trying to analyze all my symptoms. The stress was not good and a quote from my favorite movie: "You have to accept what is," has kept me a little more sane. Brian and I want this baby so bad it hurts, but we know we are doing everything we can to keep it healthy and growing and if for some reason I miscarry, we won't look back and say we could have changed this.
Some of the few changes I have noticed are that I pee way more often then I used to and although I have no nausea, I am just disinterested in food. I have no appetite, which if you know me, is strange. Like I said before, I will take any symptom with a smile on my face because I waited so long for this to happen and it is so worth it!
We have an ultrasound scheduled on Monday to detect the fetal heart rate. Once the heart rate is detected, the rate of miscarriage drops to 4%. I am anxious and excited for this ultrasound. I hope we see that little heart just flying!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I was wrong
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
I know I have said the whole time "this probably didn't work." That is my coping mechanism; that is my way of protecting myself, but I have always had a glimmer of hope. What if this is all we needed? Maybe my body can do this.....the closer the days come to the day of the pregnancy test the harder it gets. Tomorrow is the test and today I am a mess. People may ask, why don't you just take a pregnancy test and get it over with? To be honest, I cannot bring myself to look at another negative pregnancy test. I feel like all hope has been lost. A lot of people always tell me, "you never know," but the honest truth is, I have been through this, now my 7th time, of sitting and waiting (don't forget the whole year before I got help) I know how my body responds. Everyone says your breast get tender when you are pregnant. I am fortunate to get tender breast while I am waiting, but a few days before my period, it always disappears. Well, guess what happened, it has gone away giving me the clue, period is coming within the next few days.
I know people have good intentions. "They now know what is wrong, you can try again in January." I know this, but it still doesn't get any easier. I get to go through the holidays, watching my nieces and nephews enjoy Christmas, wishing I could see such joy in our kid(s). And not to mention Thanksgiving, I am dreading it. I love being with Brian's family. They all are such wonderful people and I have a blast, but this year there is two new pregnant people. Don't get me wrong, I am overjoyed for them, I truly am! But with this being so fresh, I don't know if I can handle it. No one has seen them since they became pregnant and both of them are showing and now > 20weeks. I know people will be interested and asking all kinds of questions. I am afraid I will start to cry. I want to say I can be a big girl and suck it up, but the truth is, this hurts so much, I will only find out for sure the day before and I don't know if my emotions can handle it. Brian will be hanging out with my cousins and my one rock who knows everything won't be there (this is not meant to make you feel bad Randi).
I keep coming back to January, what if that doesn't work, what if none of it works? I know, someday, I will be okay with not having children, but right now it is too hard to think about. Everyday at work some patient or family asks me if I have kids, someone new on facebook announces that they are pregnant and "overjoyed" or someone is complaining about having to get up with their kids. I know that is what a typical parent does, but I want to yell, "don't you get it, you are so lucky!" I want to know what it feels like to have morning sickness, to have a baby move inside of me and most of all, to hear my child say "I love you mommy and daddy." On the booklet they gave ups with embryo information the header says "Miracles happen," I know my and Brian's love and health are a miracle, but I keep wondering if that type of "miracle" is going to happen to us.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Unexplained Infertility?
I was in tears the whole time. Everyone was very kind. My doctor told me I would not have wanted twins anyways, there is a no return policy :) (they usually transfer 2 embryos). There is no way of knowing if this embryo will implant and stick and there is no way of knowing if it will stop growing like the other one. I don't feel very confident, but I am going to try and stay positive. I would love this to be my little fighter! I am very glad we ended up doing the VIP plan....if this does not work we get 2 more tries, but I hope with all my heart that this little embryo will surpass the odds and grow into our strong, fighter child. I can tell you one thing, this child will be so loved by so many people...especially his/her mommy and daddy!!!!
This is a picture of a 2 cell embryo like mine This is a picture of the ICIS procedure
(lets hope we don't have to go there!)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Up and Down
Monday, November 7, 2011
It's the little things
I just got word on the plan today. I am going to give myself two more shots at 0130 on Tuesday. These shots are actually shots that will make me ovulate in 40 hours. The doctor wants to get to me before I ovulate, but he needs this to help so the eggs with be easier to extract. On Wednesday, Brian and I will go in @ 1230 for the egg retrieval. I will have conscious sedation and Brian will be in waiting room that has a video feed so he can see what is happening. I am not sure how many follicles will be mature resulting in eggs to fertilize, but the more you the have better the chances of them lasting for the 5 days, which make the outcome of a successful implantation and resulting pregnancy higher. I am hoping for the best, but am trying not to worry as I can't change anything. Depending how things look, and how many eggs fertilize, the plan is to put two eggs back into me on Monday the 14th. That gives you the highest chance of one taking. I am really hoping they will be able to do this, but again one day at a time!!!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Pin Cushion
The nurse asked me if I felt bloated yet with all the follicles. Your ovary is only supposed to make one, so when you put 4-6 or so of them on each side, they start running out of room. I do not feel bloated, but I can definitely feel where my ovaries are!
The one big downfall of all these medications has been the weight gain. Over the last 8-9 months I have been on birth control, off birth control, taking oral hormones and now injectable ones. I know the weight gain is related to the hormones, but it is really hard to take when your pants are starting to be tight, especially when you have been wearing the same pair for years and years. The hard part is, because of the risk of losing the follicles, there is no exercise you can do.....not even sex! :) You can walk however, and I have spent a lot of time walking the dog over the past week.
With all the stuff I have been doing, it has been going really fast. And although a lot of people make fun of me, with all the Twilight promo for the new movie and stuff, my mind has really been kept off of all this and I think that is a really good thing. I don't sit here and wonder if progress is being made, what if it doesn't, etc. I just do what I have to do each day and enjoy watching all the promo stuff. I work this weekend so that will help also. Anyways, I found a cute picture to add to this post. I think this is what it would have been like if Brian had to give me the shots......good thing I can do them myself!!! :)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Tomorrow it starts....
I was watching The Little Couple show on TLC the other day. It is such a cute show about these to "midgets" and their day to day life. This couple has also been trying to conceive a child and because of her stature they are using a surrogate. I have not followed too closely, but I know she had trouble stimulating and they finally have two embryos. However, what I thought was most touching was they did a question and answer from the audience. One of the questions was "if you could, would you choose to stay little or be average height." Their answer was they would not change a thing because then they would probably not have found each other. Tears started coming to my eyes...this couple has so many struggles in their day to day life, but they are so happy in love. I feel the same way about Brian. If I can't have a child, I wouldn't change a thing because I am so in love with Brian and I know he is incredibly in love with me! We are certainly lucky and blessed!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
It's been awhile
Before I blog about myself, I want to take a minute to talk about a friend of mine. We were childhood friends who went to the same daycare. We re-connected through facebook and ultimately through the frustrations of infertility together. In August, this friend, at 27 years old and healthy, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. She is currently undergoing chemo and is doing great. Hodgkin's lymphoma has a success rate of 90% with treatment and with her being young and healthy, things look wonderful for her. She is a fighter with a great heart and attitude and I KNOW she will beat this. My heart goes out to her and her family. If you get a chance, check out her blog, she is inspirational!
I can no longer complain about not having a child. Although both Brian and I would love to have a child of our own, if we can't I know we will get by with the two of us and be happy! We are blessed beyond belief and asking for more just seems wrong.
I am not sure if I addressed the VIP program before. Basically, what the VIP program is allowing us to do is to buy and "insurance policy." We are paying more up front and if I get pregnant the first time we will actually be paying more than if we just did it one time, but what does it matter if we have our precious child? This program allows us to try IVF up to three times in a year's time. If it does not result in a birth of a baby, we get 90% of our money back. I am anxious and excited to start, but just taking it one day at a time. First you have to respond to the medications to stimulate, then you have to have a successful extraction, they have to fertilize, and then re-implant into you. There are a lot of steps that could go wrong, so taking it one day at a time is how I am getting by! Tomorrow I start a new drug called Norethindrone. This drug is a progesterone based drug that I will take for 16 days. It will thin and shed my lining and it gets me prepared to start the stimulation medications. Those will begin on the 30th of October. I have a class on Tuesday that will better help me determine the pharmacy to use and how the medications will be administered. For now, I am just happy to be done with birth control! Yay, onto the next step!
Saturday, August 20, 2011

I like this cartoon for what the description said.......CHICKEN DISAPPOINTED BY EMPTY NEST. I had a feeling I was getting my period soon and I had to work that night. The last thing I wanted was to find out at work, so I took a pregnancy test on Thursday morning. It was negative. I am glad I did because in the wee morning hours of work, Aunt flow came and there is no way I could deal with that news at work. I wish I could say I took it like a champ, I picked myself up and carried on with my day. No, I cried, and cried and cried. That type of cry where you can barely breath, snot running down your nose and unable to even console yourself.
We will try invitro in November, and although the percentages of people getting pregnant from it are good, my mind has been going. What if we spend all this money and it doesn't work? What if I get pregnant only to miscarry? All of these questions can't be answered, only predicted. I have decided to stop reading success stories of people that have IVF. They are wonderful to hear, but some of these people have tried IVF 3 or more times and frankly, we just don't have the money for that. I am really going to start trying to live my life based on FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE. Have faith and hope everyday that someday I will be a mommy, faith that God will pull me through and give me strength for all of this, and Love with my whole heart my husband, family, and friends. I can't imagine life without being a mom, but I may have to start accepting that reality sooner than later.
I am probably not going to be blogging for awhile since not a whole lot will be happening in the next few months. I have a few test that need to be run before November to get me ready for IVF, but until the end of October I will be on birth control to calm my ovaries and get them ready for the assault they will be under with all the reproductive medications. I will start the medications at the end of October and from there we go with how they eggs are growing. Of course when that process starts I will start blogging more. If I do get pregnant, I want my little one to know how much they were wanted and how loved they were even before they were born!
I have quite a few friends who are still tyring to get pregnant and I am going to be rooting them on every step of the way! My other friend is due to have number 2 in September. Her first will be 14 months old so I will hopefully be over there helping her out and playing with those sweet little girls!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
happened on my last treatment and will lead to this:
I am going to be honest, I am really happy for IUI to finally be done!!! Although I still have to wait about 2 more weeks to see if it worked, I am glad we are done. I never imagined how stressful they could be! I would say mostly stressful because of the roller coaster of emotions. Getting you period.....sadness, hurt, fear - lasts a day or two, then turns into excitement to try again. Then you start to get hopeful while taking your drugs and waiting for the ultrasound. Every time I have responded and have gotten very hopeful. The wait is excruciating....you analyze ever symptom, twing/twant inside your body. Well, I am on the home stretch! If this doesn't work, we will go ahead with invitro in November and hope with all of our hearts it works!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
It's been awhile

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
No news.....is NOT good news

So, the whole picture did not come through, but it is an olive in a martini glass and I guess that is kind of the way I felt last Wednesday. No news is not always good news. I have been putting off writing this post, mostly because I have nothing positive to say.
I got my period on Wednesday of last week. I don't know what it was, but I think it hit me there that things were really not looking good. I have tried for so long to stay positive and keep hope, but that day I faltered. I cried and cried and cried. To make matters worse, I DO have a cyst on my right ovary which requires birth control this month - which rules out September invitro. Brian and I made the decision to go for the last round of IUI. Not because we think it is going to work, but because we feel that we should do everything that insurance will pay for - to say we tried everything and it failed.
As of now the plan is for invitro in November. I am scared, it is a lot of money. I am scared it won't work, what if I miscarry? We are trying to decide if we should spend the extra money and pay for the 3 guaranteed rounds. He said it was a waste, that I was healthy and the chances were so good, but he can't tell me I will miscarry - who knows. All questions I have to ask him in our consult before invitro.
As I sit here and write this I wonder if I should just let it go. Be happy with what I have and just be okay with that. A deer hit my car yesterday - it came out of nowhere on a freeway none the less. It just barely clipped my bumper, but had me thinking, I could have died if was a few seconds faster. The speed limit is 65 which leaves little time for reaction, not to mention there are off ramps, and on ramps all around. Was that trying to tell me to just be happy with my life that I am alive? Don't get me wrong, if I can't have kids, I will be happy with my life, I am happy with my life - I don't need children to make me happy, I just really want them. Okay, sorry for the rant. This is why I have been putting it off. I am so happy it is summer and I can just enjoy every day!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Some Songs
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I still find it to be such a mystery that it is SOOO incredibly easy for so many people to get pregnant, and here were are...try and try again with no results. I think what sparked this was finding out someone is pregnant. You know how most of the time you are genuinely happy to hear that someone is pregnant, this time it was kind of a shock and then blahhhhhhh. I am happy for this person, but it just really really hurts. Then, to make matters worse, I go on facebook and find out that 2 more people are having children, some of them on their second. I really don't want to sound like a heartless bi*&%, but it just hurts. I just wish there was some rhyme or reason why people get so easy and others try and try. Guess we will never know.
Brian's mom said to me the other day after Brian started working ...."you guys are going to have so much money you don't know what to do with it." My response "I certainly know what we will do with it........have a baby (hopefully)." I wish we could do it the old fashion way, free, but it is what it is. Doing it this way does not mean that Brian and I love each other any less, it just means we will have to lean on each other to get there.
Again, sorry this post is so blah, but,I want these feelings to be real and that is what they are right now. I couldn't be more blessed with a wonderful husband and family and that is what I am holding on to. As my dad says "God works in mysterious ways!"
Friday, June 17, 2011
Another IUI in the books

The ultrasound showed I had a few follicles that were average size. I was told to hold off a day for my shot and then come in for IUI on Friday. Nothing different than before. The nurse that did it says she has been on a hot streak lately so here is holding out hope!!! I did sit down with the business office before I left and again, if no cysts after this round I can still complete my 6th and final round of IUI and get into invitro by September. It is going to be tight, but I can do it. However, if it is too tight and they think it would be better to wait until November, I will certainly do it. It costs a lot of money to do this an I want the best possible chance of a successful outcome! The reason it will be close is due to the fact that they require a certain amount of time on birth control BEFORE you start any of IVF medications to help get the eggs to be of good quality.
Okay, so I am going to switch it up a bit, a couple non IUI/Infertility related topics.....This past Saturday my BFF got married. I can't even describe how beautiful the wedding was and to see them so in love was beyond words. I had and absolute blast and the wedding was absolutely amazing. A HUGE congrats to Ian and Em!!!

Brian is officially back to working as an electrician! It is still hard for me to believe even though he has been going to work! This is amazing as he has been laid off for 2.5 years. He is working at a data center out in Chanhassen and doing the evening/night shift. Working that shift gets him a better chance of getting notice for quality work (which means hopefully not getting laid off when and if the time comes) and a substantial increase in the hourly wage! It will be an adjustment, especially for him, but he is excited to be back out.
One of my really close friends got engaged after dating for 10 years. I am beyond words for how happy I am for them. She give so much of her herself and deserves all this happiness that is coming her way. Can't wait to see what she wants to do with her wedding!

Lastly, if anything has come from this blog, besides a relief to get my feelings out, I was contacted by a childhood friend who had read this blog and then proceeded to tell me she has been silently suffering with infertility. Well, the other day we met for ice cream after about 15 years of not seeing each other. It was amazing how natural this was, like we have been close all of these years. It was so amazing to see her and now that we know we live so close, I hope we can continue this friendship!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Must be instincts

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I don't know why, but I just feel bummed. I always feel so good at the IUI and a few days after, hopeful, happy, but the closer it gets to the pregnancy test the more the doubt creeps in and I start to feel failure. I am supposed to have my pregnancy test on Monday. To be honest, I am not even bothering to schedule it - I just switch it over to an ultrasound anyways. So, I guess I will just bring a handful of tampons to work on Sunday.
As much as I hate it, I do often have "why me" moments. I am going to go through the last 2 IUI rounds - hopefully no more cysts to slow me down - just to make sure we tried everything insurance will cover. IVF is just SO expensive that I want to make sure we (more so me) are not just jumping into it because I want a baby SO bad. Often times I find myself thinking, "why can't I just have a baby like everyone else?" I know I am blessed and should just be happy, but the more I see pictures of people's new babies or news of people having babies, I am super excited for them, but another piece of my heart breaks for me. This is the deal, I don't just want to be a mom, I want to be a mom to Brian and my child. Is all this happening because God knows better? It is just so hard not to think that.
Sorry for this depressing post, but it does help to get it out and as much as I talk positive, it is true that I do fall and wish I didn't.
Monday, May 30, 2011
1 week down
I am a week out from IUI today. Everything went well (as it has in the past) and I got a massage and had lunch at bennihana afterwards so that was a nice treat. I am trying to stay positive, but not get my hopes up. I do still have two more rounds if this try does not work and then on to invitro. Brian's friends came over this weekend and they brought their baby Isabelle. She was so cute and has gotten so big. She is about year and crawling everywhere!!! She loved the dog too! A very happy baby! There has been a lot of friends on facebook that have recently had babies and I am very happy for them! Off to get more laundry done!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Yesterday I had my U/S to check and see if I made any follicles. I did! I feel very hopeful!!! I was worried they would have to come in Sunday (they are on-call) and the nurse looked at me in the eye and said "If I was trying to get pregnant, I would want someone to do that for me. I am on-call this weekend and I don't mind at all so don't worry about it." It almost made me cry. They are SOOOOOO nice there it is unbelievable! I will do IUI on Monday and have a massage scheduled for afterwards that I am really looking forward to!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
"I've carried a child within my body. Slept with a baby on my chest. I've kissed boo boos and mended broken hearts. I've been puked on, peed on, pooped on and spent sleepless nights in a rocking chair, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My body isn't magazine perfect, but when I look in the mirror I see a MOM, and there is no greater honor or blessing!!"
It is a very beautiful quote, I just wish I could say it....well, I guess I can say that I have been puked on, pooped on, and peed on and my body isn't magazine perfect. On a more positive note, I had a great time enjoying wine and drinks at Em's bachelorette party!!! Looking forward to doing some gardening on this wonderful, sunny day!!!!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sweet Surprise
Let me share the story about this person. It is amazing the support you get from people who have experienced fertility difficulties. My best friend's fiance's sister (are you still following???) has been married to her husband for many years. They are both successful, wonderful people. I have only met her a few times, but the stories I hear from my best friend and her fiance, you know they are just amazing. This couple has been experiencing issues with infertility. H (not sure if she wants me to use her name) is 32, I believe. H and her husband have been struggling with infertility for a few years. H did finally get pregnant in 2010 and everyone was overjoyed. Unfortunately, this couple, who had difficulties with even getting pregnant, unexpectedly lost their baby boy at 23 weeks. They are in the process of trying again and the strength that this couple has had is beyond amazing and inspiring. In the card H sent me, she enclosed a prayer that I wanted to share because it is so beautiful.
Prayer for Motherhood
O glorious Saint Gerard, powerful intercessor before God, wonderful worker of our day, I call upon you and seek your help. You who always fulfilled God's will on earth, help me to do God's holy will. Intercede with the Giver of life, from whom all parenthood proceeds, that I may conceive and raise children who will please God in this life, and be heirs to the kingdom of heaven. Amen.
I can't thank her enough for her kindness and am really looking forward to the day when we hear she is pregnant again!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
"The talk"
We did talk invitro. Obviously if IUI does not work we will go for invitro. An average cycle of invitro with medications cost around $16,000. Luckily we have a savings account that would allow us to do this. Here is the selfish part, because it is so expensive, we only have the money to do it once. The success rate is 68% with a 60% chance of multiples. Also, if you have extra eggs, they can freeze them and that only costs $4500 to implant and that success rate is 40%. Again, I am really hoping we don't have to go this route, but if that is what has to happen we will do it and be ecstatic!
I know Brian and I felt relieved after talking to him and felt hopeful. We were originally going to do a different program for invitro, but he basically said it was a waste of money and told us to do research. Looks like if IUI does not work we would be doing invitro in Sept. or Nov. Here's to keeping the faith!