Saturday, May 21, 2011


I never blogged after my baseline U/S. I was very nervous and not sure what to expect. When I went in, it showed that I still have a cyst on my left side, but it was slightly smaller and "more solid." The nurse at the time couldn't tell me if that would cause me to wait another month and sent with birth control and the directions that they would call later after they talked to the doctor (he was in N.Dakota helping patients). I cried and called Brian. For most people, another month of birth control is no big deal, I was bummed. It would mean another month of waiting, but it wasn't the end of the world. However, I just want a baby and I have wanted a baby for several years -whether we waited due to Brian being laid off and then infertility, it has been awhile. It is hard when you are trying for baby to be put on birth control because at that point, there is NO chance that month you can get pregnant. All my worrying was relieved a couple of hours later when I got the call that the plan was to "go ahead with treatment this cycle." SO HAPPY!

Yesterday I had my U/S to check and see if I made any follicles. I did! I feel very hopeful!!! I was worried they would have to come in Sunday (they are on-call) and the nurse looked at me in the eye and said "If I was trying to get pregnant, I would want someone to do that for me. I am on-call this weekend and I don't mind at all so don't worry about it." It almost made me cry. They are SOOOOOO nice there it is unbelievable! I will do IUI on Monday and have a massage scheduled for afterwards that I am really looking forward to!

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