Monday, September 24, 2012


     This past Sunday we had Paityn baptized. Like I said in the previous blog post, Paityn was baptized in the same church by the same pastor that married Brian and I. Her gown was the gown I wore for my baptism and a co-worker was kind enough to make a bow from my wedding dress. The baptism went very well. There were actually four babies being baptized that Sunday and none of them cried!!! Amazing! I prayed so many nights for this little girl and it was really special to have her baptized. We were honored to have a lot of family to come be part of the event. She received WAY too many gifts, but they were all very appreciated. Here are some pictures from the day:

Pastor Eric and Paityn

Paityn being baptized

Godparents and mommy and daddy


Godmother Jane


Godfather Dan

    I brought Paityn to the doctor this past week, twice. Once for her two month check up and then a week later. Paityn's voice started to sound a little hoarse and we think it was due to the nasal spray we were giving her. The doctor said she was fine and not to worry, but don't use the saline nasal spray anymore. She was just shy of 10 weeks old and her weight was 11 pounds 15 ounces!!! She is getting soooooo big! She is just smiling away and starting to "coo" a lot. She really likes to "talk" to her daddy!!!

  This past weekend I also ran in a "mud race" with some of my girlfriends. It was super cold, but we had a blast! I am looking forward to doing it next year. My friend Maija and I are considering trying to do a 10K in November, but we will see :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

So Big!!!

   I can't believe that Paityn is already two months old. In fact, as of today, she is already 9 weeks. The time goes by way too fast. I often find myself looking at the calender and counting the days I have left with her before I go back to work. I know I need to just enjoy everyday and not think of that, but it is hard. I do love my job, but I love spending my days with her too. At least I will not be going back full time!!

  My mom and I took Paityn to get her 2 month well baby check-up on Wednesday. I was anxious to see how much she has grown. I was astonished when they told me she weighed 11lbs 8.8 oz! She was only 7lbs when she was born!!!! She has also grown 2 1/4 inches (she is now 22 1/4 inches long). Her weight fell into the 60 percentile, her head circumference fell into the 50-75 percentile, and her length is 25-50 percentile. The doctor said she was doing good and was healthy. She did get her shots which were no fun. Brian said he was glad he didn't go because he would have been angry at the person giving her the shots. I don't like to see my little girl hurt, but I understand the need for the shots so it didn't bother me. She did cry when she got them, but only for a few minutes. She didn't seem to have much of a reaction. We gave her some Tylenol in the evening just because we figured she would be sore, and she was a little fussy the next day, but all in all did very well! I hear it is the 4 month shots that tend to be much worse!

 The fertility clinic sent out a letter looking for statistics. I need to send them the birth record and they request a picture for their baby board. I remember when I was upset about only having the one two-celled embryo (look at that face, how could I be upset about that!!!) Dr. Corfman said something to the effect of we had embryos that were in much worse shape and they are now on our baby board and in 9 months this one will too. Although I sent them a birth announcement, I figured it is too big and am going to send a 4x6. The problem is there are so many cute photos I have trouble choosing. Brian said to tell them that she is the cutest one!!!

I just love being a mom!!!
Pretty Girl!

   Paityn has been so much fun lately! She smiles a lot now and they are not the half-hearted smiles, they are the big toothless grins! I absolutely love to see her smile, it just melts my heart. She still has the dimple on her right side that always shows when she smiles too! She is starting to track objects, although it is slow. She does try and find people when she hears their voice. She is "talking" a lot more. Sometimes she just talks without prompting, sometimes it is when someone is looking at her, and sometimes she will mirror you if you talk to her. The doctor asked if we had heard a squeal yet, and we haven't but she said around 2-4 months they will start!

There is that big smile!

    It has been fun trying new things with her. This week I got out the bumbo chair. She does pretty good in it and seems to enjoy it. She hold her head up for quite awhile before she tires and leans forward. She still loves her activity gym and plays in it several times a day. She can grab an object when you put it in her hand, but does not reach for one or put it in her mouth yet. 

Bumbo time

        Although I do not want the time to go fast (mostly because that means I am closer to work), I am looking forward to the next few weeks. On September 23rd we are going to have Paityn baptized. She will be baptized in the same church by the same pastor that married Brian and I. Also, she will be wearing my baptism gown. I had a lady I work with remove a bow and create a new bow using fabric from my wedding gown. I am really happy with how it turned out and can't wait to take pictures. The last weekend in September we are going to go to an apple orchard that has a lot of things for kids. Although I know Paityn can't do any of the activities, I am really excited to get some pictures!

 Below I posted side by side pictures one month is amazing to see how much she has already grown and changed!!!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Shhhh, she is sleeping

So precious!

  I know a lot of these posts are few and far between. It is not that I don't have enough to say, it is that I have no time to blog it! I tend to write these posts after the little one has gone to bed and I am not dead tired. I try to go to sleep when Paityn does and so far I have done a pretty good job. We have gotten into somewhat of a routine. The day is pretty much eat, sleep, play with no routine, but night time is more consistent. She tends to start getting sleepy around eight and we try to feed, change and rock her before bed. She is usually in bed by 9-9:30. It usually takes awhile to get her sleepy enough to go down and stay down. There has been many nights where I thought I was in the clear, only to have her wake up about 20 minutes later. We have notice that if Paityn is not really tired, she has a hard time sleeping in her crib (she does NOT nap in her crib - trust me, we try!!!). She has been pretty consistently sleeping for 3-4 hours at a time. It seems that she usually gets up between 1-2 and then 4-5:30. We always hope that she goes back to sleep after that last feeding, but that is not always the case. We have on a few occasions gotten 5-6 hours of straight sleep from her! Yes, we both did wonder what was going on and had to go check and see if she was breathing!!!! We have noticed that she loves to lay on our chest to sleep. Unfortunately, back is best and so she has to be laying on her back in her crib until she can roll over.

   Speaking of rolling over, Paityn has done a good job of rolling from her tummy to back. Everyone who has seen her during tummy time comments on how strong she is. It is really impressive. She has just started to find her fists and now during tummy time tends to get lazy and suck on them instead. She hasn't found her fists unless she is on her stomach, but I have a feeling she may be a finger/thumb sucker! She has been really fun this past week. She is smiling a lot more. I not sure she recognizes people (like me as her mom) quite yet, but she does smile at faces, voice, etc. She does this big gummy smile that is so precious. She is also starting to "talk." She has a lot to say and I can't wait to hear her start "cooing" more! She is very busy and always has to be entertained when she is awake. She is always on the go!

  I had my work shower on Thursday - 7 weeks late :) If you don't remember, my shower was supposed to be on the day Paityn was born. It was fun to see a lot of my co-workers outside of work. I think they enjoyed it too because they all held Paityn! I am so blessed to have such amazing co-workers who threw the shower, came, and contributed gifts. Many people bought me individual gifts and then a lot went in on a pool. I couldn't believe all of the things I got: the highchair, jumperoo, potterybarn crib sheet, personalized bag, umbrella stroller, clothes, books, etc. People were so generous! It was so touching and heart warming to see how much she is loved!

  I have started working out the last few weeks. I have been running 3+ miles every other day and doing some crunches (lets be honest, the abs need work). Exercise helps keep my energy level up (so does coffee) and has felt really good. I look forward to next spring/summer when I can get a jogging stroller and take Paityn. Until then, it is Zoe and I! I have signed up to do a "mud run" in the end of September with my friend, Maija. It is a 5K run with obstacle courses - it will be hard, but fun!

   I can't believe my little girl is getting so big. She has so many rolls and those cheeks!!! She will have another doctor appointment at 2 months and I am anxious to see how much she weighs. She is starting to pretty consistently eat 3-4 ounces at a time. The hair that has fallen out of the top of her head is starting to grow in and boy is it blonde! It is so cute right now, just a little fuzz head! I went to Albertville today and they were having a huge labor day sale. Although she doesn't need more clothes, I just couldn't help getting her a few things, she is so cute and so fun to buy for!